Bizcap Blog

Tips, news and insights to help your small business grow big

Seven Tips for Navigating Seasonal Fluctuations in Business
Small businesses have to navigate and prepare for seasonal fluctuations in cash flow and operations. Here are tips for staying ahead all year long.
In the News: Bizcap Funds $3.8M Loan in Two Days
We’ve unleashed the power of fast funding, securing our largest deal to date for a business whose bank couldn’t help. The adviser who referred the client to us was quoted in The Adviser praising our “smooth and seamless” process.
Small Business Working Capital Tips from the Most Open-Minded Lender
Working capital is vital for every business. Here's everything you need to know about working capital, along with some solutions to help bridge any gaps.
Your 90-Second Guide to Cash Flow Finance
Cash flow finance is a business loan that's provided based on projected cash flow, and can help smooth out those peaks and troughs in your business.
Cash Flow Lending: A Small Business’s Secret Weapon
Cash flow is the lifeblood of every business. Learn more about a small businesses secret weapon to success in the following article.
Your End-of-Financial-Year Opportunities
End of financial year is fast approaching, and with it comes a fantastic opportunity to upgrade assets and build your business while reducing your taxable profits.
Don’t Let Cash Flow Cause Seasonal Stress
Are you hoping to profit from the upcoming Christmas season? Don't let cash flow derail your grand plans by partnering with Bizcap to alleviate seasonal stress.
Curious About a Loan To Help With Cash Flow?
Are you struggling with Cash flow? Bizcap is here to help you remove unwanted cash flow stress from your business, allowing you to expand and grow.